Jan. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

My apologies for being so quiet lately. The holidays passed in a bit of a whirlwind, and once New Years Eve had come, I found that all I wanted to do was stay in, have some champagne, and watch the ball drop on television. (Where it was considerably warmer and drier.)

But now, I think we could all use a party of some sort. I've already got some nebulous ideas floating around, and no solid date, but I think a celebration to welcome the new year is certainly in order. Dearest, is that alright with you? It wouldn't have to be too large, but something festive enough to start 2019 on a high note.

Nov. 24th, 2018




All I want for Christmas is some peace until the new year.

I mean, I know that's too much to hope for, given that you lot are...you lot, but still. An old lady can dream, right?



[No Subject]

Who: Phobos & Deimos
What: Dragging the twin home
When: Friday night
Where: Deimos' squat, Phobos' house
Warnings: Hoo boy. Probably most of them.

Then I crashed into you, and I went up in flames )
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Nov. 22nd, 2018



[No Subject]

A peacock from one of my temples was found dead today.

I'm distinctly not amused. That's my sacred bird.

But once the others calm down, I'll find out who did the deed. And they'll regret it. For the rest of their lives, however long that may prove to be.
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[ private to Ariadne ]

Gracious lady, Mistress of the Labyrinth, I have a favour to beg you --

I need to find myself an occupation, and urgently. My previous activities have proven unsavoury to He that holds my divinity in his hands. Because of that, I dare not approach your good husband, who desires freedom for all, even if I do not wish for it today. So I come to you and ask: can I work the bar at the Thyrsus? Only the bar. Not downstairs. It's not permitted for me. I need to earn my keep, and I have only one skillset to offer. A drop of wine will never be spilled, a drink never forgotten.

If you could smooth it over with the roaring one, who loves you more than anyone else on earth or in heaven, you would have all of my gratitude. Your skill in persuasion is one I trust completely.

Nov. 18th, 2018



Instagram | @ladysif

instagram spam. get used to it. )
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Nov. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

I hate it when people flaunt the rules. They don't allow dogs in this apartment block, which was the whole reason I bought a place here, and yet.

I hate knowing there's one lurking around on one of the floors somewhere.

They do allow cats though, so there's that at least. Maybe I should wait until after Christmas, when people throw away the things they are bored with, even if that thing is a living animal.
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Nov. 18th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who | Cerberus & Herakles
What | Tormenting Cerberus/Entertaining Herakles
When | Sunday Evening
Where | Random Dive Bar (He's not a fancy sort of guy)
Warnings | Uh ... I'll get back to you.

That's ridiculous. The only point in having enemies is so you can defeat them, kill them, brush them aside. )

Nov. 16th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Hades & Charon
What: So many drinks
When: Friday evening
Where: Brandy Library
Warnings: Man, who even knows

Show me the way to the next whiskey bar )
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Nov. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Aglaea and Hephaestus
Where: their home
What: Aglaea welcomes her husband home from work in her own special way
Warnings: sexytiems

Cause I'm alive and I'm on fire / Shot like a starburst into the sky )

Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Here I was off on me tod when a sweet young lass offered me something she called a Mai Tai. Right colourful it was, but sweet as hell. Reminded me of mead ... but worse. What's wrong with a simple pint of ale? Or some good whiskey? Shite in a glass is what it is?

Nov. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who | Eros & Anteros
Where | Eros' place
When | After this
Warnings | Mentions of incest? Should we even be warning for that with the Greeks?

I'll still look out for you no matter what you heard, they can knock all of my doors down but I won't say a word )
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Nov. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Let's have a song today. Because I can't really be arsed to think of anything more clever to post. I'm sure you're all devastated.

And if this river don't drown me
It's down I'll mean to roam
For I'm a river driver
And I'm far away from home

Nov. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Social media makes it really easy to do my job these days

It used to be all dropping eaves and keeping an eye out, now I just have to scroll through Twitter or Facebook or Instagram and there seems to be no end of love returned and love spurned. I do find myself more involved with the latter these days then the former - I guess it's just a sign of the times.

Love doesn't last for anyone.

Nov. 11th, 2018



thread: freyr & hades

Who: Freyr & Hades
Where: Central Park
When: Sunset
Warnings: Who knows? Eeyore thoughts as Hades is wont to do and flirty innuendo as Freyr is wont to do.

Like most gods, Freyr had lived for a long time. )
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Nov. 10th, 2018



Message to Hephaestus

So, if I had a commission for you for my sweetest lady wife, would you be interested? A crown involving dragons and stars in gold, perchance. She's feeling her power at the moment, and I'd be keen to see her wear the fullness of it on her lovely head.



[No Subject]

I'm thinking of getting another tattoo. Perhaps a snake on my left, to complement the one on my right? Ivy and vines on my feet or hands? A labyrinth on my back? I don't know. I have so many ideas, and only so much skin.



[No Subject]

It has been quiet lately.
Prayers for success. Prayers for luck.
Nothing that feeds my actual nature.

This era can be rather boring.

Nov. 9th, 2018



[No Subject]

I've been busy making things myself these days, thanks to having the world's most adoring, patient teacher. This is my latest creation. Gold is much more forgiving to work with. I'm really proud of it, though. The trick is not keeping everything I make to put in my own hair!



Thread: Dionysus & Ariadne

Who: Dionysus, Ariadne, and the menagerie in their apartment.
Where: Their apartment above the Thrysus
When: Now-ish
Warnings: With these two? At least discussion of sexytimes. At least.

Dionysus knew nothing about a walk of shame, thank you. )